Snakeheist: A Dollar Store Caper
“a wanabe zelot escapes granma’s house & tries to figure out which voices to listen to”
1st Place winner of Text & Visual Language Exhibition
The St. Louis Artists’ Guild
March 5 – April 3, 2021
words by Harold Lehmann
music by David Whitely
sound production by Brandt Gassman
karaoke animation by David Whitely
puppet animation by Lake Simons
Theresa Bucheister
Kym Bernazky
Lyana Fernandez
Nick Jumara
Harold Lehmann
Richard Lehmann
Sylvie Meltzer
John Moore
Brett Scieszka
Kyle Triplett
Tina West
Website: http://www.snakeheist.net

The St. Louis Artists’ Guild is proud to present Text & Visual Language, a national juried exhibition examining contemporary artists’ utilizing text and language within their art. Language is a powerful tool. And no one understands that better than artists who thoughtfully utilize text to make a statement and draw out emotion.